Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Vinyl, SCAL and Tickets... oh my!

I am still working on one of our gifts for Saturday and needed to use SCAL since I couldn't find an image I like on one of my cricut carts. Well, actually, there were a few of them but the problem is that I've seen them used in the same way on the Cricut MB so I wanted to try something different. At the start it was nothing but problems... cricut would start cutting and then stop in the middle of the design and just sit.... frustrating! Note to self: Double check the size of the cutting mat listed on SCAL and make sure that it is the same as what you just put into the bug... it makes a difference.

So after I enlisted the aid of Jeff and he got it cutting, I did finally manage to cut two designs (first in paper) to see which I liked best... I picked one, cut the vinyl and now it sits waiting for Jeff to adhere it. Pictures will follow when all is done.

On a side note, I had an awful day yesterday and no one is to blame but myself. My license plates are expired on my car and I was stopped by a cop on my way home from work... result: $88 ticket for expired plates or a February court date (where I was hoping that I could get it reduced or eliminated showing that it is taken care of). Well, I was trying to figure out how to tell Jeff last night when he took my car to go help out my aunt and uncle. He came home and yep... you guessed it... he was pulled over and given an $88 ticket. Two tickets... one day... same violation... is that even possible??? Well getting the sticker is not as easy as I thought... car needs to go for emissions testing first, found out from Jeff that there is a "knock sensor" going off and it won't pass emissions until that is fixed first. Needless to say, he was not happy (and he still doesn't know about my ticket yet). Friday night is craft night at work and honestly, I NEED it. I will hopefully finish my ornaments tomorrow so Friday night I can scrap for fun. I have some sketches picked out... some challenges I am interested in... even some cards... I don't care... I just want to scrap.

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