Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween is supposed to be less hectic as our kids get older, right? At least that's what I thought... but not so. This has been a crazy busy week. My kids are older so no costumes to prep... well, not really. They were all pretty much on their own for them... no one really needed mom's help. But Cheryl at work decided that we should put out Halloween treats for the other members of the office. It turned into quite the spread.

She LOVES to bake and did quite a bit... including gross but yummy Witches Fingers (the cookies are hers, the witch is mine) and super delicious monster cookies (again, my monster contriubution). Both were made from Paper Doll Dress-Up.

Besides contributing sloppy joes and a pasta salad, I decided to decorate my treats this year. Through the cricut MB, I have discovered lots of creative ladies and one in particula, Kerry, amazed me with her work so I completely stole her ideas and made these... little bats on the kit kats... and spiders on the York pepermint patties. The bats were from Hello Kitty Greetings and the spider was from DoodleCharms.

I also copied her Pumpkin Poop... which I thought was so cute! Mr. Pumpkin was from Stretch Your Imagination.

But thankfully we don't get any trick or treaters at our house so I only had to make about 35 of each and not hundreds!

Halloween Day arrived and with it so did the flu... poor Kendra! Since Kevin had it 2 weeks ago, we've been waiting to see who would be next and very surprised that it took this long! But she had been showing subtle symptoms this week and unfortunately today it decided to rear it's ugly head. So no trick or treatin' for her... but I felt so bad that I went to Culver's and picked her up a double scoop Chocolate Oreo Volcano Explosion. Yummy!

Kaitlyn was invited to a friend's birthday party tonite started with t/t and then bonfire and cake. She threw her costume together very quickly... quite appropriate for her... The crazy cat lady.

Kevin who should really be too old to go trick or treatin' (are you ever too old?) decided to go out with his GF, Kelly. I didn't care as long as costumes were worn. He was a gangster and she was a flight attendant. They were frozen when they got back in... I think it was about 40 degrees while
they were out.
While all of this was going on... Jeff was busy carving our pumpkins as we didn't get to do them earlier this week. But it's late and I'm tired and going to bed.
