Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sweet Layout

Here's another layout I did based on a challenge from the If It's Groovy blog. I am really loving challenges like these. I have so many pictures, events and ideas I want to scrap that sometimes it's hard to settle down on one. Using a challenge, whether it be a sketch, a song or a theme, gives me a starting point. It's easier to search my stash of pictures and supplies and put them together. It also helps with scrappers block.

The June challenge at IIG is to do a "Candy" layout. I had some candy stickers on hand but no candy pictures simply because my darling children don't eat candy (Ha! Right! Then why did Kaitlyn only want the largest bag of dum dum suckers I could find for her birthday??) I decided to take this theme in a different direction. At work there are a few of us who share a love for trashy romance novels which we call brain candy. It was a simple matter of taking a couple pictures of some of my books and going from there. I should mention that I also used a sketch from the MSH sketch challenge(this one was based on # 20 from 52 Sketches... 52 Weeks).

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scrappin' Late into the Night...

Last night I went to my scrappin' table around 10. I had spent part of the day cleaning it off and it was calling to me. Marci, from the MSH group, had mentioned a Cyber Blog Hop Crop being sponsored by If It's Groovy . A group of bloggers were each posting separate challenges with an 80's theme. Marci's challenge at her blog, Marci's Scrapping Spot, was to use some suggested 80's movie titles. I thought I'd give it a try and used the Pretty in Pink (a movie that I have never actually seen - I must be the only one!). I grabbed some photos of Kendra at one, a sketch posted in the MSH sketch challenge and a stack of pink papers. The title was cut from the TearDrop cartridge. This was my result...

Since I had so much fun doing that one, I decided to do another one from the If It's Groovy Blog Hop Crop. This one was posted by Scrap Happy Mama and it was to do a layout featuring neon, another 80's staple. This one took me a little more time. I went thru a box of old photos til I found some that I could use neon (neon, really???) with. Then I came across some great pictures of Kaitlyn in 1999 at grandpa's Iowa farm. She was wearing a great neon green tank (hmmm... maybe neon didn't leave with the 80's) and some bright purple shorts. After finding the pictures, I went through more of the sketch layouts posted in the MSH challenges and found one that would work for my pictures (this one came from the ScrapRoomClub). After grabbing some paper, some flowers and my green stickles bottle, I was off. I cut "Summer" from Stretch Your Imagination and "FUN" from Lyrical Letters. And here it is...

I really like how these pages came out... maybe I should do more of my scrappin' late at night.

Edited to say... I messed up. "Pretty in Pink" was not one of the movie choices in the challenge. 16 Candles... Pretty in Pink... they both had Molly Ringwald... same diff, right? LOL! I still got a great layout out of it! :-D