By 11:30 the girls and I headed over to Serendipity, a local scrapbook store. They had sent me $5 on a minimum $5 purchase... how could I not go take advantage of that. It also happened to be their customer appreciation day which meant a free gift with purchase (I chose buttons) and a free lunch of hot dogs, chips and cookies. How cool! My birthday and I didn't have to pay for lunch. Score! While we were there the girls and I also took part in one of their make 'n takes... an adorable owl card.

After Serendipity, we ended up at the mall and guess what?!?! I didn't have to pay for anything! The girls had gift cards, coupons and their own money to spend. Woo Hoo! Another birthday treat for me. While we were there, Kaitlyn asked if Kendra and she could go to Boston Store to look for a birthday present for me. I let them go in after reiterating that they did not have to get me a present. They were only gone about 20 minutes but were rather pleased with themselves when we joined up again.
We headed for home after that. Jeff had said we could go out to dinner, my choice. I had a craving for Mexican and decided to try a Mexican restaurant that we hadn't been to before, La Estacion. It is a converted old train depot complete with trains still in the station. We were seated in one of the old trains... the kids thought that was pretty cool.

The food was yummy, the portions were huge and the margaritas were perfect. When our waitress asked if we wanted dessert, Kevin made a point of saying that it was my birthday. When she heard that she asked me if I wanted a piece of cake or get this... a tequila shot! Since it was family night and I had just had two margaritas, I chose the cake.... it was also easier to share!

Oh... I almost forgot to mention my birthday present from the girls... a black leather purse. Kaitlyn knows me well. My old one had just broken and I have decided to use a light weight tote for the summer. She however left the original price tag on... $108. WHAT?!?! She assured me that they got a really, really good sale... I hope so as I have never spent that much on a purse.
Crafts, shopping, food, time with my family... It was a great day... probably one of my best birthdays.
I love the owls!!! Too cute! :)